Monday, October 3, 2011

FVCC Bathroom signs spark controversy around handicapped accommodations

(Spring 2011)


Signs reading “Handicapped use only” were posted on bathroom stalls in March, and promptly removed after the physical facilities department received complaints.

“We’re generally really good about handicapped accommodations,” said Steve Larson, director of physical facilities. “We put in extra effort in the winter to shovel out parking spaces, and make sure the students are represented in meetings. This issue just never crossed our minds.”

The signs went up in the first place because a group of students voiced complaints to the safety committee about non-handicapped people using the handicapped stalls. In keeping with the schools accessibility standard, Larson had the signs installed to prevent fully capable students from intruding on the special stalls.

After posting the signs, Larson received more complaints; this time from the other side. Protestors stated it was uncalled for to limit the use of the large stalls if there was no other stall open.

Larson promptly removed the signs. With pressure from both sides, he had signs made that may make both sides happy. They read “For handicapped use only when other stalls are open.”

In the future the physical facilities department plans to increase accommodations by including handicapped students in monthly safety meetings. They already have plans to add handicapped parking spots to the surrounding lots, and repair existing ramps around campus.

The school is open to suggestions and supports making FVCC a better place for handicapped students to learn.

“There’s no reason why we can’t continue to improve our facilities to make it easier for people to learn,” Larson said.

That’s exactly what one handicapped student, who asked to remain nameless, said about campus facilities.

“FVCC is great at making school a place we feel welcome,” the student said. “I see this bathroom sign issue as a snag if even that. I’m confident things will continue to get better for us, and for everyone.”

Will Raphaelson is a student in Journalism 101C, News Writing and Reporting.

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